Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Beef (or Porc) Wellington

It was gonna be one of those hubby is running super late nights when I was actually going to have dinner cooked for when he got home, he calls JUST after I popped the roast, in our case porc, in the oven and he said "can you make your biscuits mix and put it on the porc" to which I said "I just popped it in the oven."  You could hear the sadness I overcome his tone as he said, "oh ok."

Then I got to thinking, if I baked it on the entire time it would get all dried out and crusty SO I decided to add it on near the end and well it worked! 

So you're gonna need my biscuit recipe (found here: http://thegreenglutenfreechef.blogspot.ca/2014/03/biscuits-from-scratch.html?m=1) and add some garlic powder to the mix.  

Bake the roast until it has a half hour left (or mostly cooked).  Pull from oven and let sit for a couple of minutes then keeping water close at hand to dip your hands into, spread the roast evenly.  The reason it has to sit is because you have to roll it to cover the entire roast in batter. Once it's completely covered put it back in the oven and bake for about 20-25 mins then broil for 3-5 mins.  Pull out and let sit for another min or two then slice & serve. 


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